All About Anti Estrogens and Estrogen Blockers

Anti-estrogens and estrogen blockers

The word anti-estrogen is derived from the Greek word anti, which means “against.” This term refers to any compound that inhibits the effects of estrogen in the body.

While it’s common to believe that estrogen is only needed by women, the truth is that men require estrogen as well. This is because estrogen is involved in the cardiovascular, sexual, and hormone functions of the body. Especially for men, the use of anabolic steroids for cosmetic purposes or Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) may have an effect on estrogen levels, resulting in a hormonal imbalance. 

This is where estrogen blockers or anti-estrogen drugs come in. They are designed to block or counteract the effects of estrogen and therefore provide a means of managing and regulating estrogen levels.

What Are Anti-Estrogen Drugs?

Anti-estrogen drugs work by blocking the effects of the sex hormone estrogen, a natural steroid hormone that regulates the female reproductive cycle. To correct estrogen dominance, a sex hormone imbalance, aromatase inhibitors are used to lower estrogen levels and anti-estrogen substances are used to block estrogen’s actions. Aromatase inhibitors prevent postmenopausal women and men from producing estrogen from androgens. Anti-estrogen compounds bind to estrogen receptors in cells, preventing them from being activated by estrogen. 

Anti-estrogen products are available by prescription in some countries, but they are also sold as over-the-counter dietary supplements in others. In some countries, they are available both by prescription and over-the-counter. Anti-estrogen supplements and aromatase inhibitors are commonly used by bodybuilders to improve muscle development and reduce steroid side effects. Tamoxifen is an anti-estrogen medication prescribed for premenopausal women who have estrogen-sensitive breast cancer. It binds to the estrogen receptors on cancer cells without activating them. 

Aromatase inhibitors are used to treat hormone-sensitive breast cancer in postmenopausal women. It is estimated that estrogen is required for the growth of 80% of breast cancers. In postmenopausal women, estrogen is produced from androgens in fatty tissues, including the breast. The supply to cancer cells is reduced by suppressing estrogen production. 

Can Estrogen Be Overproduced in The Body?

Can Estrogen be overproduced

Estrogen dominance is thought to be caused by dietary sources of plant estrogens and hormone-mimicking chemicals in the environment. Hormone imbalances can be caused by eating too much meat and dairy products from animals treated with hormones. Non-steroidal plant estrogens are found in a variety of plants and herbs, including soy, and may raise estrogen levels. In addition, estrogen-like hormone-mimicking chemicals are abundant in the environment. Plastics, agricultural chemicals, cosmetics, and household products are all sources. 

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Using anabolic steroids is another way of raising estrogen levels in the body. This can lead to symptoms of estrogen dominance, including acne, excessive hair growth, and weight gain. Anabolic steroids have been linked to breast cancer and other health problems. They can cause changes in sex hormones and increase the risk of liver damage. 

What Are Estrogen Dominance Symptoms?

A common symptom of estrogen dominance is acne. It is caused by increased estrogen levels. When estrogen levels are too high, skin cells are activated and the sebaceous glands produce more oil. The oil then clogs the hair follicles and pores. This causes the follicles to swell and the hair to fall out. The result is blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples. 

Another symptom of estrogen dominance in men is gynecomastia. This is a swelling of the breasts, caused by an increase in estrogen levels. Gynecomastia is often accompanied by erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, and depression. 

How To Avoid Estrogen Overproduction in The Body

Avoiding Estrogen overproduction

Anti-estrogens are thought to counteract the effects of estrogen overexposure from food and the environment. Atherosclerosis in older women, early puberty in children, and the development of hormone-sensitive cancers have all been linked to too much estrogen. The rise in obesity rates could also be due to an excess of estrogen. Many chronic conditions, including declining male fertility, are thought to be caused by estrogen dominance. Anti-estrogens are used to counteract the negative effects of too much estrogen. 

Dietary changes can also help with estrogen dominance. Specific foods high in estrogen are avoided, while foods high in estrogen antagonists are promoted. The anti-estrogen diet eliminates conventionally produced meat and dairy products, as well as pesticide-laden fruits and vegetables. Organic foods, such as fresh vegetables, fruits, and organic animal products, should be consumed. The common button mushroom, cruciferous vegetables, and green tea are all foods that have a strong anti-estrogen effect.

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Natural Anti-Estrogen Foods

These natural and legal anti estrogens may aid in estrogen blockage: 

  • Nettle root or nettle leaves — These are commonly used in prostate medications. Nettles contain compounds that act as natural estrogen blockers. Supplements can be used to control the hormone’s production. 
  • Chrysin — This is a flavonoid that is found in passionflower, honey, and bee propolis. Some claim it blocks estrogen and increases testosterone, while others claim there is no evidence. 
  • Maca — Maca is a cruciferous plant native to the Andes in Peru. Its proponents claim it has a slew of benefits, including improved fertility and estrogen blockade in men. Despite the fact that macaTrusted Source contains a variety of vitamins and nutrients, there is little scientific evidence that it helps regulate hormones. 
  • Grape seed extract — In postmenopausal women at high risk of breast cancer, grape seed extract acts as an aromatase inhibitor or estrogen blocker. It may provide similar benefits to men when taken as a supplement.

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Anti-Estrogen (Estrogen Blocking) Pills

Anti-Estrogen Pills

Estrogen blockers are medications that reduce estrogen production or its effects in the body. Here are a few anti estrogens for sale: 

  • Arimidex is a drug that is used to treat women with breast cancer. Some breast cancers grow more quickly as a result of a natural hormone called estrogen. Arimidex helps to slow or stop the progression of these breast cancers by lowering the amount of estrogen produced by the body. 
  • AromasinAromasin is a brand name for a prescription drug. It has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of certain types of breast cancer. Aromasin contains the active ingredient exemestane. Aromasin is a type of endocrine therapy known as an aromatase inhibitor (also known as hormone therapy). Aromasin lowers estrogen levels in the body, making it harder for certain cancers to grow when estrogen levels are low. 
  • Cytadren is a hormone that affects the adrenal cortex, a part of the body. It affects steroid production as well as having other side effects. Cytadren is a medication that is used to treat adrenal cortex tumors. It’s also used to treat overactive adrenal cortex that isn’t cancerous. Cytadren can also be used to treat a number of other conditions, depending on your doctor’s recommendations. 
  • NolvadexNolvadex is a breast cancer treatment medication. It’s also used to reduce the risk of breast cancer in patients who are at a high risk. This drug can help to slow down the progression of breast cancer. It works by blocking estrogen’s action on breast tissue. 
  • ClomidClomid is also known as clomiphene citrate. It’s an oral medication commonly used to treat female infertility. Clomid works by convincing your body that your estrogen levels are lower than they actually are, causing your pituitary gland to secrete more follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) (LH). FSH causes the ovary to produce one or more egg follicles, which develop and release during ovulation. High levels of LH cause ovulation to occur. Before referring a couple to a fertility specialist for further treatment, primary care physicians or OB-GYNs frequently prescribe Clomid. Some reproductive specialists also prescribe Clomid.
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The above information is a summary and brief description of the types of anti-estrogen therapies that are available to help one regulate estrogen production in the body. 

Most of the drugs mentioned here are effective, but they may also have certain side effects and risks. It is best to discuss the pros and cons of these with your physician, as well as any other risks or side effects that you may be experiencing.

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